certificate program
Offer Price .
₹ 74,000
40,000/- 4 Months
- Comprehensive Learning
- Industry Mentors
- Hands on Live Project
- Interview Support
Offer Price .
₹ 74,000
40,000/- 4 Months
- Comprehensive Learning
- Industry Mentors
- Hands on Live Project
- Interview Support
Offer Price .
₹ 74,000
40,000/- 4 Months
- Comprehensive Learning
- Industry Mentors
- Hands on Live Project
- Interview Support
Offer Price .
₹ 74,000
40,000/- 4 Months
- Comprehensive Learning
- Industry Mentors
- Hands on Live Project
- Interview Support
Data Science
- Data Science Project Life cycle.
- Company Needs.
- Core Python.
- Python for D S (Libraries).
- Descriptive Statistics.
- Inferential Statistics.
- Mathematics for D S.
- R basics.
- E D A / Data Analysis
- Data visualization.
- Tableau Basics.
- Feature Engineering.
- Data Cleaning.
- Feature selection.
- Dimension Reductive.
- ML Basics ML&A.
- Super vised Learning.
- Introduction to Regression.
- Classification.
- Unsupervised Learning.
- clustering.
- Association Rule.
- Caption Project -1.
- Time series Modeling.
- Recommend-er System.
- Caption Project-2.
- Module Selection and evaluation.
- Over fitting & under Fitting.
- Bias variance trade of cross validation.
- Hyper Parameter testing.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Introduction to D L.
- N P L.
- Neural Network.
- Computer Visun .
- Image processing.
Value Added conses
- My SQL.
- Basic of Hadoop
- R
- Python for D L.
- Tableau.
Cyber Security
- Introduction.
- Hardware and Basics of Networking.
- Installation of Server.
- Active Directory.
- Member Server/Client and User Management.
- Permissions.
- Profiles.
- Roles of Active Directory.
- Group Policies.
- DNS.
- Web Server.
- FTP Server.
- Routing (Static/Dynamic).
- Remote Access Service (RAS).
- Disk Management.
- Routers-Port and Vulnerability Scanning.
- Firewalls.
- Network Attacks, Architecture, and Isolation.
- Wireless and Wi-Fi Security.
- Network Monitoring for Threats.
- Search Engines and Privacy.
- Browser Security and Tracking Prevention.
- Passwords and Authentication Methods.
- Introduction.
- Kali Installation.
- Terminal Basics: Commands I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI.
- Permissions I and II.
- Anonymity.
- Proxy.
- VPN I and II.
- TOR I, II and III.
- Proxychains.
- Change IP/MAC.
- DNS Enumeration.
- Search Exploit.
- Website Footprinting.
- Vulnerability Analysis.
- Live Attack.
- Security Audit.
- Password Attack.
- Password Cracking
- Wireshark.
- Spoofing (Ettercap I/II).
- Fern.
- Metasploit.
- Buffer Overflow.
- BeEF.
- Introduction to ethical Hacking.
- Foot printing and Reconnaissance.
- Scanning Networks.
- Enumeration.
- Vulnerability Analysis.
- System Hacking.
- Malware Threats.
- Sniffing.
- Social Engineering.
- Denial-of-Services.
- Session Hijacking.
- Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots.
- Hacking Web Servers.
- Hacking Web Applications
- SQL Injections.
- Hacking Mobile Platforms.
- IoT and OT Hacking.
- Cloud Computing.
- Cryptography.
- API Security Risks.
- OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks – 2023.
- API1:2023 Broken Object Level Authorization.
- API2:2023 Broken Authentication.
- API3:2023 Broken Object Property Level Authorization.
- API4:2023 Unrestricted Resource Consumption.
- API5:2023 Broken Function Level Authorization.
- API6:2023 Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows.
- API7:2023 Server Side Request Forgery.
- API8:2023 Security Misconfiguration.
- API9:2023 Improper Inventory Management.
- API10:2023 Unsafe Consumption of APIs.
- Introduction.
- Emerging Threat Landscape.
- Implementing Cyber Risk Management.
- Classifying Information and Data, DLP.
- Compliance and Governance.
- Security, Privacy, Regulatory & Compliance Controls.
- Access Controls, IAM & PAM.
- Using the MITRE ATT@CK Framework.
- Defining a Security Operations Center.
- People, Personnel Development, Retention and Attracting Talent for a SOC.
- Dashboards & Use Cases.
- Automation.
- Continuous Training.
- Secure Code Review & Application Security.
- Security Monitoring.
- Introduction To Threat-Hunting.
- Threat-Hunting Step-by-Step.
- Threat Intelligence: The Intelligence Life-cycle.
- Threat Intelligence: Step-by-Step.
- Common Security & SOC Use-Cases.
- Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).
- Splunk & Elastic Search as SOC Dashboards.
- Tabletop Exercises.
- Offensive Security.
- Cloud Computing Security.
- Firewalls, IDS, IPS, UTM & Firewall Rule Management.
Digital Forensics
- Define computer forensics and understand its objectives.
- Understand and classify different types of cyber-crimes.
- Understand different challenges cyber crimes present to investigators.
- Understand different types of cyber crime investigations and general rules of forensics.
- Understand Rules of Evidence and recognize different types of digital evidence.
- Examine the role of computer forensics and forensics readiness in incident response plans.
- Understand need for forensic investigators and identify their roles and responsibilities.
- Review legal, privacy and code of ethics issues in computer forensics.
- Understand the importance of computer forensics process.
- Describe the various phases of the computer forensics investigation process.
- Identify the requirements for building a computer forensics lab and an investigation team.
- Understand the role of a First Res-ponder.
- Perform search and seizure, evidence collection, management and preservation.
- Understand chain of custody and its importance.
- Discuss about data duplication, deleted data recovery and evidence examination.
- Write an investigative report and testify in a court room.
- Describe the different types of disk drives and their characteristics.
- Understand the physical and logical structure of a hard disk.
- Identify the types of hard disk interfaces and discuss the various hard disk components.
- Describe hard disk partitions.
- Summarize Windows, Mac, and Linux boot Processes.
- Understand various Windows, Linux and Mac OS X file systems.
- Differentiate between various RAID storage systems.
- Demonstrate file system analysis.
- Understand data acquisition and its importance.
- Understand live data acquisition.
- Understand static data acquisition.
- Review data acquisition and duplication steps.
- Choose the steps required to keep the device unaltered.
- Determine the best acquisition method and select appropriate data acquisition tool.
- Perform the data acquisition on Windows and Linux Machines.
- Summarize data acquisition best practices.
- Define anti-forensics and list the goals of anti-forensics.
- Review anti-forensics techniques.
- Extract evidence from deleted files/partitions, password protected files, and stego material.
- Identify trial obfuscation, artifact wiping, data/metadata overwriting, and encryption.
- Identify encrypted network protocols, program packers, rootkits and detection methods.
- Examine different techniques attackers use to avoid detection ding investigation.
- Interpret anti-forensics countermeasures.
- Understand challenges faced by Investigators to defeat anti-forensics.
- Understand the importance of network forensics.
- Discuss the fundamental logging concepts.
- Summarize the event correlation concepts.
- Understand network forensic readiness and list the network forensics steps.
- Examine the Router, Firewall, IDS, DHCP and ODBC logs,
- Examine the network traffic
- Document the evidence gathered on a network.
- Perform evidence reconstruction for investigation.
- Understand the importance of web application forensics.
- Illustrate the web application architecture and list the challenges in web application forensics.
- Indicate web attacks and define all the web application threats.
- Interpret the steps to investigate web attacks.
- Perform web attacks investigation on Windows-based servers.
- Describe IIS web server architecture and perform IIS logs investigation.
- Describe Apache web server architecture and perform Apache logs investigation.
- Investigate various attacks on web applications.
- Understand database forensics and its importance.
- Perform MSSQL forensics.
- Determine the database evidence repositories and collect the evidence files.
- Examine evidence files using SQL Server Management Studio and ApexSQL DBA.
- Perform MySQL forensics.
- Understand architecture of MySQL and determine the structure of data directory.
- List MySQL utilities for performing forensic analysis.
- Perform MySQL forensics on WordPress web application database.
- Summarize cloud computing concepts.
- List all the cloud computing attacks.
- Understand the importance of cloud forensics.
- Interpret the usage of cloud forensics.
- Distinguish between the various types of cloud forensics.
- Understand the roles of stake holders in cloud forensics.
- Interpret the challenges faced by investigators while performing cloud forensics.
- Investigate the cloud storage services Dropbox and Google Drive.
- Define a malware and list the different ways a malware can get into a system.
- Discuss techniques attackers use to spread malware, and list the basic malware components.
- Apply malware forensics concepts, identify and extract malware from live and dead systems.
- Understand the prominence of setting up a controlled malware analysis lab.
- Prepare Test bed for malware analysis.
- Identify the general rules to perform malware analysis.
- Perform Static and Dynamic malware analysis and analyze malicious documents.
- Understand the challenges faced while performing malware analysis.
- Understand Email System, Email Clients and Email Servers, along with their characteristics.
- Understand the importance of electronic records management.
- List the email crimes and discuss the crimes committed via chat room.
- Describe the components of an Email message.
- List Common Headers and X-Headers.
- Review the steps to investigate email crimes and violations.
- List all the email forensics tools.
- Discuss about the U.S. Law against email crime: CAN-SPAM act and its characteristics.
- Discuss about mobile device forensics and understand why it is needed.
- Understand the role of mobile hardware and OS while conducting forensics on mobiles.
- Illustrate the architectural layers of mobile device environment.
- Illustrate Android architecture stack and demonstrate Android boot process.
- Illustrate iOS architecture stack and demonstrate iOS boot process.
- Determine the mobile storage and evidence locations.
- Understand what you should do before performing investigation.
- Perform mobile forensics.
- Understand the importance of forensic investigation reports.
- Understand the important aspects of a good report.
- Summarize the contents of a forensics investigation report template.
- Classify the investigation reports and review the guidelines for writing a report.
- Define an expert witness and describe the roles of an expert witness.
- Differentiate Technical Witness Vs. Expert Witness.
- Understand Daubert and Frye Standards.
- Describe how to testify in a court and discuss the general ethics while testifying.
Internet Of Things
- What is IoT?
- How is IoT applied in different domains?
- Use cases ranging from smart cites too IIoT?
- How large is IoT Market in different domains?
- IoT Technology stack.
- Sensors & Actuators.
- Hardware Platforms.
- Wireless Communication Protocols.
- Network communication Protocols.
- Cloud, its components, IoT.
- Data streaming in IoT.
- Data store and IoT.
- Analytics and visualization for IoT.
- Fundamental of electronics circuits.
- working principle of commonly used electronics components.
- Practical application of Active and passive Components.
- Designing of an electronic circuit.
practical :
- working with Resister, Capacitor, LEDs, voltage,regulators.
- Designing an AC-DC Regulated power supply circuit.
- What is sensor & Actuator?
- Sensor properties and their classifications.
- Types of sensor and actuators.
- working of typical Sensors and Actuators.
- Categories of sensors: Commercial/Industrial/Military/Medical/Food grade sensor.
- Selecting a sensor for your use case.
- IoT Hardware Platform & comparison.
- Criteria of selecting Hardware Platform.
- Getting familiar with various sensor.
- Getting familiar with various actuators.
- The Raspberry pi and Arduino Open-source Micro controller Platform.
- Raspberry pi and Arduino Board Layout & Architecture.
- Pin diagram & Description: Arduino U N O & Nano.
- Downloading and Instillation of Arduino IDE
- Importing Libraries to Arduino IDE.
- Setup Arduino UNO with Arduino IDE.
- Uploading the Arduino Sketch to Board and Testing.
- Program to Read Analog And Digital data from Arduino.
- Program to generate digital Output data from Arduino.
- Reading data from analog/Digital Sensors.
- Writing Data to analog (PWM)/Digital actuators.
- Interfacing analog sensors with Arduino.
- Interfacing Digital sensors with Arduino.
- Deming application of LED using PWM signal of Arduino
- Interfacing Sensor and Actuators with Arduino.
- Receiving input and Generating Output in Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE.
- Interfacing sensor to Arduino to Read data from the sensor and display it on a serial ,monitor (Temperature,Humidity,Distance,Light,Moisture,Gas(methane/Alcohol),Proximity,Motion)
- Interfacing actuator to Arduino and controlling Actuator (LED,Relay,Push Button,Buzzer).
- Controlling a DC motor (actuator) by sensing the Environmental Temperature.
- Obstacle detection system (Combining sensor to avoid false alarms).
- Moisture sensor based automatic soil irrigation system using Relay.
- Working with Raspberry Pi 3 B.
- Installing OS and Designing System using Raspberry Pi.
- Configuring Raspberry Pi for VNC connection.
- Getting introduced to Linux OS.
- Basic Linux commands and uses.
- Getting started with Python.
- Variables,Function and Control Structure.
- File Handling in python & Importing or Exporting Data.
- interface Digital Sensors with Raspberry Pi.
- GPIO functions in Raspberry Pi.
- Controlling a Relay using Raspberry pi.
- Controlling a DC motor using Raspberry Pi.
- Introduction to ESP 32 Boaed.
- ESP32 pinout Description.
- Configuration ESP32 board in Arduino IDE.
- Uploading Programs to ESP32 using Arduino IDE.
- Interfacing Analog/Digital Sensor with ESP32.
- Controlling Actuators from ESP32.
- RFID, NFC Bluetooth, BLE, ZigBee, Z wave Mesh network.
- Comparison of wireless Protocols.
- How to select a wireless Protocol based on the use case.
- Interfacing RFID with Ardunio.
- Interfacing NFC Reader with Arduino.
- Communication Using Zigbee Trans receiver using Arduino.
- Comparison of Communication Channels.
- How to select Communication Channels based on Use Case.
- Interfacing GSM/GPRS Module with Arduino.
- Establishing MQTT communication using ESP32.
- How to select a Network Protocol Based on the Use Case.
- Issues with IPv4 in IoT.
- How IPv6 solves the issue with IPv4.
- Application issue with RF protocol.
- Power consumption,LOS,reliability,and Security aspects.
- introduction of TCP & UDP.
- Difference between TCP/UDP Transport Protocol.
- Practically testing the TCP v/s UDP by python socket Programming.
- introduction and structure of HTTP protocol.
- Start with HTTP protocol GET/POST method.
- work on python Flask library design web page.
- Control things from the web page using the HTTP protocol.
- Publish sensor data over the web server.
- Introduction to MQTT.
- Why MQTT?
- Features of MQTT.
- MQTT Subscribe/Publish.
- MQTT Broker.
- MQTT Security.
MQTT with Raspberry Pi (Practical)
- Installation of Mosquito MQTT broker.
- Publish and Subscriber test on local server broker.
- Start with Paho MQTT.
- Publish/subscribe test on IoT.eclipse platform.
- Introduction of CoAP.
- Architecture of CoAP IOT protocol.
- Difference between HTTP & COAP.
- Implement CoAP using the CoAPthon Python library.
- Design server and client using Python.
- Read data from sensors,
- Create JSON Object.
- Establish HTTPS connection using Wi-Fi.
- Send JSON data to Ubidot Rest API over HTTPS.
- Create business rules in Ubidot for alarms.
- Send Data to Ubidot platform.
- Create rule and configure Alarm(SMS/Email) for your device.
- Send data to Ubidot, which will trigger the alarm.
- Create and configure Chart/Graph for visualization.
- Control the actuator from Ubidot using a polling technique.
- What is cloud?
- What is cloud computing?
- Benefits of cloud.
- Deployment Models.
- Top cloud providers.
- Service Models.
- Service Catalogue.
- Advantages for different offerings.
- Introduction to AWS.
- Service provided by AWS E2C, SimpleDB RDS, Dynamo DB, Elastic Beanstalk, SNS, Cloud Watch, Route 53, VPC, Elastic Load Balancing, S3, EBS, IAM.
- Introduction to AWS IoT.
- Creating a Thing in AWS IoT.
- Downloading SDK and configuring Raspberry-pi.
- Downloading Certificates from AWS IoT console
- Installing certificate in Raspberry-pi
- Connecting Sensors to Raspberry-pi II.
- Configuring Raspberry-pi sketch to connect to AWS IoT through Wi-Fi.
- Establishing MQTT Connection.
- Publishing Sensor data to AWS IoT Thing Shadow.
- Subscribing MQTT Topic and controlling actuator from Thing shadow.
- Run Ultrasonic ranger sketch in Raspberry-pi and check.
- Updating of data from Raspberry-pi to AWS Thing Shadow.
- Configuration of Dynamo DB.
- Create table in Dynamo DB.
- Create rule link dynamo DB with AWS IOT.
- Store sensor data From AWS IOT in Dynamo DB.
- Setup SNS service.
- Test SNS service by publish/subscribe.
- Create a rule and link with AWS IOT.
- Notify through mail when Publisher publish data.